William Cheng and Son

Training Workshop Photos

About William Cheng and Son

William Cheng & Son is one of the famous and successful tailors in Hong Kong and was found 60 years ago. They have valued the quality of service and the relationship with clients.

What service have we provided?

Establish a UCVP Program by:

  • Identify and enhance the Unique Proposition Value (UVP) factors and competitive advantages of William Cheng & Son to transform from traditional business model to a new business model

Establish an Exceptional Client Engagement Program by

  • ECE Attitude & Transformation Workshop was conducted

  • Help them to understand themselves and their blockage of communication

  • Transform to be able to provide exceptional service to the customers

What were the results?

By rolling out this Exceptional Client Engagement & Sales Enhancement VIP Program via 6 mindDer™, WCS further enhance its market leadership as the top 3 bespoke tailors in Hong Kong by providing exceptional service to both existing and potential customers.

Annie C.E. Leung (Founder, CEOmindPower) presenting Sandy Cheng (Founder, William Cheng and Son) with a certification of Unique Customer Value (UCVP).

6 mindDer.Ai™ Launch Day

The first bespoke tailoring company that adopted the 6 mindDer.Ai™ system which could provide

  • Management a clear focus on how their Sales Rep are performing

  • Identify customer base and develop tailored strategy to close deal with precision

  • Maintaining WCS & GS Ladies’ Exceptional Client Service which is the UVP of the company itself

  • Nourish normal sales rep to become highflyer with exceptional track record